groking about dynamic type languages.

David Broadwell (remove spam.) "dbroadwell" at
Tue May 30 05:40:08 EDT 2000

am i correct tht only a dynamic langugage would be capable of the
follwing assosiation without a TON of code to specifically define the

for example, i have a number of predefined classes that instanceinto
'tool' objects. (tool objects work on other ojects only).

let us uas i also have another object, a light switch (wall mount),
wrapped in a 'wall mount plate wrapper' that requires a screwdriver tool
object to unwrap. (screw are of a unstated type)

in a dynamic language i just pick up the screwdriver and let the
'dynmaic' type bindings choose whych screwdriver tip to use on the
screws of the plate. (if we have the appropriate type)


(this happens to me.. and i have to say this is a extention of my
brocling that led to understanding OO proper.. much like what happened
to understand electrons and electronics MANY years ago)

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