What is the Python mainstream for the GUI Lib ..??

Greg Wilson gvwilson at nevex.com
Sat Mar 11 10:50:41 EST 2000

> Markus Meng <meng.engineering at bluewin.ch> wrote:
> >...before investing serious amount
> >of time in one GUI-Lib, I would like to 'feel' which GUI-LIB
> >will be used mostly from the python-users in the near future...

>"Cameron Laird" <claird at starbase.neosoft.com> wrote> .
> Tkinter.
> Beyond that, no one knows.  It's part of the Python character
> that, as you noted, there are several bindings available, they're
> all quite usable, practitioners mildly spar over their merits,
> and their ultimate destinies remain obscure.

Greg Wilson writes:
...which is a real pain for those of us who are trying to persuade people
that Python is a credible solution to their problems...

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