Python 3000 -> No, but there's 'Ruby'

Aahz Maruch aahz at
Sat Jun 17 15:50:27 EDT 2000

[x-posted to comp.lang.ruby, followups to comp.lang.ruby]
[posted & e-mailed]

In article <394BB8DE.AE1D6A7A at>, balrog  <balrog at> wrote:
>Half-seriously, Ruby is nicer looking & acting;  it's part Python,
>part Eiffel / Sather, with the quick & easy string handling of Perl.

This is mainly addressed to comp.lang.ruby; I'm just including
comp.lang.python because that's where this started:

Y'know, those of you in the Ruby world who make a point of going around
trashing other languages are probably doing more to hurt the acceptance
of Ruby over the long haul than anything else.  It's *rude*.  I was
almost interested enough in Ruby at one point to check it out, but I
have to say that the Attitude I've seen so far is even worse than the

It'd be real nice if the level-headed Ruby people restrained the
                      --- Aahz (Copyright 2000 by aahz at

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