Python 3000 -> No, but there's 'Ruby'

balrog balrog at
Sat Jun 17 13:45:54 EDT 2000

> Is there a link where I can look up what's being considered for Python
> 3000?

Half-seriously, Ruby is nicer looking & acting;  it's part Python,
part Eiffel / Sather, with the quick & easy string handling of Perl.

I'm liking it, currently.  It has a Tk binding, a net lib, etc.

No static binding though.  

I have to say Ruby's more what I was looking for out of a clean & easy
scripting language than Python;  I wrote a simple text processing
thing in Python and I might as well have written it in C.  The only
time saver was the 'split' function, which can be done in C, too.
My impression of Ruby is that it's cleaner, more sophisticated (has 
iterators, full closures) & is safer feeling than Python (has 'end' 
like Modula-2).  Python is just too full of arbitrariness & ugliness.  
Maybe Python 3000 will clean it up, but, 

check Ruby out at:

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