Score another one for the Python Job Board!

kipster_t at kipster_t at
Wed Jun 7 23:58:15 EDT 2000

Fellow Pythoneers:

  I just commenced on the next phase of my career,
due in large part to the Python Job Board.
While the position that I am in was not the
specific job that was posted on the board, the
fact that there was an entry on board alerted me
to the use of Python in a company that I did not
suspect was using it.  Responding to the posting
resulted in my resume being passed to a person who
 had a fairly similar position to fill.

 I'm moving from a large telecom where I had to
fly under the radar of an ill-informed standards
group for the last five years whilst I was
delivering web application solutions implemented
almost exclusively in Python. I often wondered if
there ever would be a more than a trivial size
market for Python practitioners and whether
betting all my professional chips on Python would
ever pay off.  Well, landing my new position was
almost certainly due to my lengthy experience
using Python and the bonus is that I won't have to
be flying under the radar any more.

And based on what I've seen so far, using Python
will be crucial in being able to rapidly develop
flexible, scalable, and _*maintainable*_ systems
that massage/transform/analyze/report
on/distribute data that now is measured in 10's of
gigabytes per day to what is destined to become
near terabytes per day.

So, for all you Pythoneers out there who aren't
in the position to start your own business, or
join a start-up, and are wondering when the surge
in  Python usage by mainstream business will
arrive, my little data point isn't much, but it
does add to the count.

Massive thanks to Guido for such a clean language
that's fun to use and thanks to all who post and
respond on comp.lang.python.  The educational
value of this newsgroup is far and away better
than any of the others I've been lurking in the
last 10 years!

ObMangledQuote: "The journey of a thousand miles
begins with a single step".
(speaker name omitted as I'm not sure Senator
McCarthy isn't just hiding in J. Edgar Hoover's

Kip Lehman
kipster<iz at diz po>

Sorry, no .sig.  It's almost certainly prohibited
by that intellectual property agreement I signed
when my dilithium crystals had been exhausted.

Sent via
Before you buy.

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