Waffling between Python and Ruby

Neil Hodgson nhodgson at bigpond.net.au
Wed Jun 14 21:26:24 EDT 2000

> I was looking at the Ruby editor/IDE for windows and was disappointed
> RubyWin, although it is definitely coming along. I noticed the
> like immediate mode (Type code, hit ctrl-J, results inserted into the
> buffer) but did not see any debugging features. Are such features
> (debugging, syntax highlight) in the works for this?

   At one stage the RubyWin page mentioned Pythonwin and Scintilla
although the page has changed since. If there is a /simple/ explanation
of Ruby's syntax and that syntax isn't too difficult, I'll write a
lexer for Ruby so it can be highlit in editors that use Scintilla (like
SciTE) or derivatives such as the wxStyledTextControl in wxWindows.

   I haven't explored Ruby much myself. An explanation of the syntax
like "its the same as C but with '#' for comments" would be easy to
implement. If it has complex Perl style quoting mechanisms then it will
be difficult.


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