os.path.isdir strange behaviouring

Erno Kuusela erno at iki.fi
Tue Jun 27 13:14:31 EDT 2000

>>>>> "Aahz" == Aahz Maruch <aahz at netcom.com> writes:

    Aahz> The problem is that you literally know nothing about
    Aahz> /foo/bar because your permission problem is actually with
    Aahz> /foo.  Defining what to call that situation from the
    Aahz> program's POV is somewhat difficult; I'm comfortable with
    Aahz> saying, "no such directory".

the way i see it, it's just plainly false. also if you call
os.path.sidir('/foo/nonexistent/path2"), it should be a hard error
error in my opinion. (ignoring the fact that it's hard
to tell from the return value / error code from stat().)

  -- erno

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