Python Productivity over C++

Courageous jkraska1 at
Mon Jun 12 23:34:29 EDT 2000

> >Then I move to C.  The process took about twice as long as the C++
> >attempt; not counting the time it took for me to write miscellaneous
> >libraries (stack, memory allocation), I noticed that I was spending far
> >more time hunting pointer bugs and syntax errors than writing new
> >code. oThis was the longest port; it took me about four times longer than
> >it did in Python.

Although, to be fair, any seasoned C programmer has his or her
own preferred set of utility functions for doing hashtables,
stacks, lists, and so forth. I have a set of macro-expansion
tools for that that are far more efficient than the standard
template library could ever pray to be (written by a nut who
would meticulously process to assembly and analyze the number
and nature of assembly instructions issued for the equivalent
C... he was really freaky :).

Fair point with the pointer bugs, though.

That's not something that can even happen in Python, really. :)-


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