Advice on a Learning strategy

Russell Wallace rwallace at
Sat Jun 17 17:26:02 EDT 2000

bo Vandenberg wrote:
> I'm trying to put together a basic toolkit for general consultant
> programming in a win32 environment. (I know this is vague but I have to
> be flexible at this point.
> My thoughts are to work in Python and Delphi.
> Python is going to be for all the client side customization and Delphi
> will be my engine to do what doesn't need to be interpreted. I'm
> considerring C++ but I don't know if I want the learning curve.
> VB vs Delphi    Delphi programs seem more self contained than VB. I also
> like the possibility of going to Kylix in the future. If I write it in
> Delphi I think the client is less likely to accidentally break it (no
> promises for Microsoft though).
> I would like to use Tkinter but I think speed concerns will have me move
> to wxwindows and pythonwin.
> Has anyone gone this route, or a compatible route, before who would be
> willing to share some advice???

I've used (separately) C++, VB, Delphi and Python.

If you don't want the learning curve of C++ - reasonable enough, it's
not the easiest language to learn - then I think I'd recommend doing the
whole lot in Python; I don't see any advantage to doing part of the
project in VB or Delphi.

"To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem."
Russell Wallace
mailto:rwallace at

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