Python Productivity over C++

Mike Fletcher mfletch at
Fri Jun 16 08:54:07 EDT 2000

Actually, the comment would more likely be:
	"one-man's-mess-is-another-man's-perl-ly-y'rs<0.7 wink>".

And-there's-the-essence-of-Python-in-a-nutshell-ly y'rs,

Kingdom for a nutcracker...

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank V. Castellucci [mailto:frankc at]
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2000 8:32 AM
To: python-list at
Subject: Re: Python Productivity over C++

Like with any language, Python can be messy. There are not less ways to
be messy in Python, there are just different ways. As I am pretty much a
neophyte in the Python ways (but trying to come up to speed), a review
of any code I have written by someone like yourself would probably
elicit the statement "Well, thats a wee bit messy lad". 

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