postgreSQL successes

Cary O'Brien cobrien at Radix.Net
Fri Jun 30 14:20:39 EDT 2000

In article <395B6D35.DA83A7ED at>,
Eric Lee Green  <eric at> wrote:

[big snip]

>Last time I looked at ZOPE, it was not clear how to integrate new Python
>methods with it. A shame, it looks like a great product. Maybe I'll get a

Adding external python functions to zope is painless.  You put the .py file
in the Extensions directory and add a "ExternalMethod" from the web
management interface.  

You can also wrap python classes around queries, i.e. to calculate
results from the raw data in the database, and make it look like there
are extra columns.  They call these "Pluggable Brains" of all things.

>chance later on to really get into it and figure all that stuff out, it looks
>like it would solve some of the performance problems I've encountered using
>PostGreSQL and Python with Apache. 

Zope will provide a persistant connection to the database, and can
optionally cache results.  There are some newer PostgreSQL adapters
that are supposed to be thread safe, so you can one PostgreSQL
connection per thread, with a thread pool to handle requests.

Zope does take a while to get your head around.

-- cary

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