Does Python help with the no-Unix handicap?

Neurocrat neurocrat at
Mon Jun 12 02:48:06 EDT 2000

mkx at writes:

[snip re Perl roots in Unix]

> So my question is this: Is Python a more "Windows-friendly" language?
> Is it's base structure less related to any one specific operating
> system? Is learning Python an exercise in learning the language, and
> not a Unix tutorial? Can I be successful even if I do not use Unix ;)
> ?

IMO, yes to all.

Although Perl runs everywhere, it is steeped in Unix tradition. (Roots
in sed, awk, etc). For Mac and Windows users, its historical roots
make it something of a "foreign" language. Takes a long time to learn
it effectively.

As far as I can see, Python is remarkably free from the trappings of
any local culture, and although I mostly use Unix I hope it stays
that way. (I seem to recall reading that Guido van R does a lot of
work on the Mac, but I may be mistaken).

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