A simple question

Michael A. Howard michaelahoward at my-deja.com
Tue Jun 13 10:29:48 EDT 2000

I am developing an application using Python/Tkinter that needs to look
similar to a VB application (a language I am far more familiar with) as
it will extend some functionality & we want the user interface to be as
close as possible to the existing system.

What I need to do is have a tabbed switchboard type menu screen with
buttons for each program that the user will interact with. This has
already been developed and went far faster than doing the same thing
with VB.
>From the switchboard the user will select the program they want to run
and it should open a new window for data entry/edit.

None of the code examples I look at show me how to do this.

Am I missing something really simple or is this task beyond the
capabilities of Tkinter or Python?

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