Dutch.comp.python.org (was : Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Python Development Team Moves to BeOpen.com)

Martijn Faassen m.faassen at vet.uu.nl
Wed Jun 7 19:48:14 EDT 2000

Manuel Gutierrez Algaba <thor at localhost.localdomain> wrote:
> And now my own rant in Spanish:

> Python era un lenguaje casi perfecto, al menos hasta que empezaron
> a meterle tonterias sintacticas. Ahora estoy empezando a ver cual
> es el problema de python: los holandeses.

Python's virtually perfect, but it does have a problem: those Dutch

> Al parecer estan tan
> excitados con la idea de python que no pueden evitar soltar la
> parida en Holandes. La verdad es que los holandeses son muy imaginativos:
> - Las cafeterias de drogas

Ah, but they're just for drinking coffee..

> - El trafico de diamantes ( De Beers estara detras de Sierra Leona)

De Beers isn't a Dutch company; it's South African:


> - Tomates trangenicos. 
> ...

While they're chemical waterballoons, I didn't think they were genengineered
just yet -- that'd be the Evil Americans. :)

> Bueno, ya en serio, si realmente no se pueden aguantar, que 
> creen un Dutch.comp.python.org. 

So since I disproved all your evil allegations, there are no obstacles in
our way: Dutch should be the official language of this newsgroup. :)


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