Python MP3 Player

Steven D. Arnold stevena at
Fri Jun 30 15:10:20 EDT 2000

At 06:24 PM 6/30/2000 +0000, Grant Edwards wrote:
>In article <395CE50A.3BA16777 at>, Curtis Jensen wrote:
> >Does anyone know of a Python MP3 Player?
>Surely you're kidding?
>Do people really do real-time DSP type stuff in Python.

Why not, provided the most time-sensitive stuff were written in C or 
C++?  Surely most of the user interface, except perhaps visuals (a graphics 
display that moves in time with the music), could be beneficially written 
in Python.


Steven D. Arnold           Que quiero sera         stevena at
"If you have  built castles in the air, your work  need not be lost; that
is where they should be.  Now put the foundations under them!" -- Thoreau

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