Waffling between Python and Ruby

Ken Seehof kens at sightreader.com
Fri Jun 16 01:23:36 EDT 2000

It's happened to me many times.  Usually when cutting and pasting from other
peoples code (the other code having tabs, where my code does not).  Over the
past two years this has cost me at least 80 to 90 seconds of development time.
The solution is simple: make tabs illegal.  The biggest time saver, of course,
is that it would stop this utterly rediculous whitespace debate.

In any case, indentation/block rules don't seem to be the most important issue
when selecting a language for a task.

Mark Jackson wrote:

> "Warren Postma" <embed at NOSPAM.geocities.com> writes:
> > Having something
> > look correct on the screen, but not work because of misuse of tabs versus
> > spaces, or incorrect indentation, is something that still continues to bug
> > me.
> Indulge my curiosity - how many times has this actually happened in
> your six months of using Python?
> --
> Mark Jackson - http://www.alumni.caltech.edu/~mjackson
>         You can never solve all difficulties at once.
>                                 - Paul Dirac

Ken Seehof
kens at sightreader.com
Hi! I'm a .signature virus! copy me into your .signature file to help me spread!

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