In defence of the two-namespace rule

Dirk-Ulrich Heise hei at
Mon Jan 24 04:09:21 EST 2000

Cliff Crawford schrieb in Nachricht ...
>Pada 21 Jan 2000 22:33:56 GMT, Quinn Dunkan bilang:
>| A curried function always takes one argument.  If it needs more values to
>| 'finish', it returns a closure which will accept the next arg.
>My semantics prof always made us call currying "Schoenfinkelization",
>because "Schoenfinkel came up with it first".
>Do you know how hard it is to spell Schoenfinkelization? ;)

That's very easy, but then, i'm german.
I don't really know what a closure is, not being
but could one say that a closure
is a sort of specialization of a function, i mean, a variant of a function
where a certain value replaces a "variable"s value?
And does the word "closure" play an important role outside
of the functional programming world? And what does it have
to do with scopes?

(When you have curried a lot, this would probably mean in
german: "Heute hab ich viel geschoenfinkelt." Try that!)
Dipl.Inform. Dirk-Ulrich Heise
hei at
dheise at

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