Who hosts CGI/Python?

Alex Martelli alex at magenta.com
Thu Jan 6 05:20:43 EST 2000

Chuck Esterbrook writes:

> Seems like many web host providers, such as MindSpring, offer CGI with
> Perl, but not other languages, notably Python.
> Does anyone know who would host a CGI Python site?

I've noticed the same thing, and posed the same question, a
month ago, or so.

The only answer I got on this group was to join the PSA and
get a Starship account -- I did the former, but I'm waiting
for the latter to happen when the Starship admin gets some

I also sent requests to all providers of free web hosting that
currently house Perl CGI only.  The only one which gave a
(belated) favourable response was www.prohosting.com;
their help-person eventually promised they would install
Python too (saying that they used to have it, but nobody
was using it so they took it off).  That was a week or so ago,
and nothing yet has happened, but, one can hope.

I suggest you do as I did -- write everybody you can think
of... eventually, I think we'll see some action!  Also, joining
the PSA is a good idea even if one has to wait a while for
the Starship account -- it _does_ help support Python:-).


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