OT: OpenSource Python Books?

Mike Apted controld at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 3 22:22:06 EST 2000

That's funny... he has "nospam" in his e-mail address, but he seems to 
forget he has already graced us with his post and obviously does not read 
the list.

I wonder what "portion" would go back to the Python project... 1%?

>From: poet at linuxports.com
>To: python-list at python.org
>Subject: OT: OpenSource Python Books?
>Date: Tue, 04 Jan 00 03:09:01 GMT
>I represent LinuxPorts.Com (http://www.linuxports.com/) and I have been
>approached by a printer to possibly publish OpenSource books. To start
>these books would just be paper versions of the actual documentation.
>In this case, the Python Documentation and we were wondering if this
>would be of interest to the Python Community.
>I spoke with the printer and we both have agreed that if we do this
>that we will be providing a portion of the Gross Profits back to the
>individual projects. In this case the Python project.
>Anyway, if this of interest to you please go to
>http://www.linuxports.com/ and make your vote. It will help us
>determine the demand for such a book.
>Thank you for your time,
>Joshua Drake
>Webmaster Linux Documentation Project
>Owner LinuxPorts.Com
>poet.nospam at linuxports.com
>Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
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