OT: OpenSource Python Books?

poet at linuxports.com poet at linuxports.com
Mon Jan 3 22:09:01 EST 2000


I represent LinuxPorts.Com (http://www.linuxports.com/) and I have been
approached by a printer to possibly publish OpenSource books. To start
these books would just be paper versions of the actual documentation.
In this case, the Python Documentation and we were wondering if this
would be of interest to the Python Community.

I spoke with the printer and we both have agreed that if we do this
that we will be providing a portion of the Gross Profits back to the
individual projects. In this case the Python project.

Anyway, if this of interest to you please go to
http://www.linuxports.com/ and make your vote. It will help us
determine the demand for such a book.

Thank you for your time,

Joshua Drake
Webmaster Linux Documentation Project
Owner LinuxPorts.Com
poet.nospam at linuxports.com

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Before you buy.

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