Which Python book?

Mike Coleman mkc at kc.net
Thu Jan 6 22:12:28 EST 2000

akuchlin at mems-exchange.org (Andrew M. Kuchling) writes:
> The Essential Reference is just what its title says: a reference
> guide.  You'd have to be *really* motivated to learn Python from it.

Some people (e.g., yours truly) *like* learning a language from an elegant,
terse reference.  I have the original O'Reilly book, and although it has some
merit, I hate its by-the-pound style ("Here we are writing a bubble sort in
Python.  Okay, now let's see what an insertion sort would look like.  Here's
another one, only this time in descending order."  Ugh.).

Anyway, Beazley's reference is really good, IMO.  The only other language
reference I like as much is Steele's Common Lisp the Language.


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