Python plugin

Tim Peters tim_one at
Mon Jan 10 23:14:12 EST 2000

[Samuel A. Falvo & Robin Becker bump heads over the True
 Pukeworthiness or Lack Thereof of COM; then, in good
 Python fashion, make up before blood is spilt]

Admirably civilized, fellows!  Tip o' the hat.

> OK I guess we all need a bit of adrenalin now and then heh heh
> heh aaaaaarrrggghhhhh the Timbot is presumably busy.

Don't count on the timbot, Robin!  I've noticed with increasing concern an
increasing (albeit non-monotonic) tendency for it to act as bland as toast
this year.  If this keeps up, I'm going to have to slash its electricity.

it's-easy-to-be-nice-when-you're-not-starving-ly y'rs  - tim

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