Python plugin

Robin Becker robin at
Mon Jan 10 18:38:43 EST 2000

In article <slrn87kjtf.930.kc5tja at>, Samuel A. Falvo
II <kc5tja at> writes
>In article <T2FFKFAaCie4EwJn at>, Robin Becker wrote:
>>I'm sorry if I sounded too defensive. Perhaps I should regard Sam's post
>>as being enthusiastic rather than aggressive. Telling us we're in the
>>gutter of standard OO won't endear though.
>Of course not -- the momentum behind the current OO model is just too great.
>And it DOES have a large applicability.  It's just not suitable for use in a
>distributed object/component environment composed of heterogeneous
>programming languages. :)
>I will say that, upon re-reading my message, I did tend to use some pretty
>strong verbiage.  English, despite being my native (and only) language, is
>NOT one of my strong points.  However, C and assembly are.  :)
OK I guess we all need a bit of adrenalin now and then heh heh heh
aaaaaarrrggghhhhh the Timbot is presumably busy.
Robin Becker

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