Sucking e-mail from Exchange Server vis HTTP?

Grant Edwards grant at nowhere.
Thu Jan 20 11:58:19 EST 2000

In article <XFMail.000120170005.mikael at>, Mikael Olofsson wrote:
>On 20-Jan-00 Grant Edwards wrote:
>[A detailed description about a stubborn guy at work and some
> lame bosses]
>Sounds like you should do what the rats are known to do: Leave the ship 
>before it sinks. I mean, if this is how your company is run it will sink
>sooner or later. Sooner rather than later.

No matter where you go, there's always somebody who's a pain.

Other than BOFH and the e-mail thing, it's a decent place. The
projects I'm on are interesting and I'm getting to do some
other stuff that's pretty cool (We're developing embedded code
for one of our ARM-based products under Linux with an
open-source RTOS from Cygnus).

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  With YOU, I can be
                                  at               MYSELF... We don't NEED
                                 Dan Rather...

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