Sucking e-mail from Exchange Server vis HTTP?

Grant Edwards grant at nowhere.
Thu Jan 20 14:05:25 EST 2000

In article <867hui$6to$1 at>, Aahz Maruch wrote:
>>Then he complained that it was too much work supporting
>>POP/IMAP, and he wanted everybody to use Outlook.  People
>>resisted (particularly the Unix users, most of whom left
>>shortly thereafter).  The fight went all the way to the
>>president of the company, and the decision was made that
>>everybody use Outlook.  (Why is management always so big on
>>monotony and so down on individuality?)
>Everything you've said has made sense except for one thing: why
>are you still working there?  I know jobs are relatively easy
>to find in Minneapolis, particularly for techies.

The design projects I'm working are pretty interesting.  I've
been given considerable lattitude in the product design area --
even to the point of using Gnu tools under Linux an open source
RTOS instead of something like Nucleus or (god forbid) WinCE on
the embedded project I'm working on.  There are even paid-for
commercial development tools and an RTOS license sitting unused
on the shelf.  So, I can put up with the Outlook issue (as long
as I get to coplain about it once in a while).

The network operation in general is way better here than my
previous employer.  We've got a T1 to a good ISP and a firewall
that is pretty much invisible when you're inside looking out.
My previous employer had a fireway that was really difficult to
live with.  And, that firewall was in Austin, Texas at the
other end of a network held together with 56k leased lines. On
top of that, they used cc:Mail with a badly broken
ccMail<-->SMTP gateway runnin on an IBM mainframe in
Marshalltown, Iowa.  Us Unix users just sort of lived "under
the radar" except when we needed to send e-mail with a ccMail
user: a one-way trip through the e-mail gateway took somewhere
between 10 minutes and 2 days.

Besides, I use an outside e-mail account for 90% of my mail
anyway (I probably only get 3 or 4 e-mails a week that I
currently have to deal with in Outlook).  We all need windmills
with which to tilt...

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  YOW!! I am having
                                  at               FUN!!

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