using threads with python and winnt

Tim Peters tim_one at
Wed Jan 26 02:54:08 EST 2000

[Tim, on the now fixed but still possible in 1.5.2 thread death
    Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Delete: invalid tstate

[Aahz Maruch]
> Thanks.  That's exactly the error we're seeing, shortly
> after we made a recent increase in the number of running threads.

You're welcome -- but still a bummer.  Switching to a thread pool should
make it as unlikely as a Minnesota winter without snow.

Shortly after this got fixed, there was talk of putting together a bugfix
patch for 1.5.2 (with this & a few others).  Alas, nobody volunteered the
work to actually do it.  This is the rarely acknowledged Dark Side of the
Open Source.

     move-along-ly y'rs  - tim

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