Why Perl do But Python can't?

Jørn Helge B. Dahl jorn.h.b.dahl at stud.jbi.hioslo.no
Mon Jan 31 05:08:12 EST 2000

* "Öܹ«" <jfzhou at 188.net>

> But How I do it to solve the follow quertion:

It is written qwertyon (sorry, could't help it. No offense :-))

> 1:through the WWW to manage user,the CGI need root uid.
> 2:how to read or write files that need some privilege ie. root ,admin etc...

Write a C wrapper program (or another compiled language) that has the
right privileges (setuid, setgid, or whatever) and call the script
(which has no privs) from there.

> some one tell me
> 1:use another programme to communite with CGI useing socket,but it is
> complex.
> 2:use expect mod ,but python dosn't have.

I don't know.
This goes to eleven

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