(no subject)

Steve Holden sholden at bellatlantic.net
Fri Feb 25 09:14:36 EST 2000

Gerrit Holl wrote:
[Tim Peters]
> > The string functions aren't going away, so feel free to ignore string
> > methods if they  don't appeal to you.
> Aren't they becoming obsolete? Won't the string be deprecated?
> Not sure what's the difference ;)
Obsolete means it's not supported any more.  Depracated means it won't
be supported in the future, and its use is discouraged.

Since alternatives are usually available for depracated features, 
you'd have to be dumb or porting large amounts of existing code to want
to use them.

Extended Mercury Autocode is obsolete.  Perl is depracated ;-)

"If computing ever stops being fun, I'll stop doing it"

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