A question from a total newbie

pehr anderson pehr at pehr.net
Wed Feb 23 23:00:15 EST 2000

Dear Lisa, and other new pythoneers,

In my opinion, the most important thing you need 
to learn python is a goal!  This may sound sappy, 
but python can be used to do just about anything.
Figure out what you really want in life, and 
then find ways to get familiar with components 
necessary to make it happen.  

My first big python project, which is still evolving,
was a morse-code user interface for disabled persons.
I'm hoping to extend this to be generally useful
for people who want to control a wearable computer.
Just imagine tapping away on an invisible keyboard,
typing into the empty air!
You'd have the ultimate privacy & security.

If this sort of thing interests you, grab my code and
extend it to meet your own needs. Study the libraries
themselves to learn how the different pieces of python
fit together.  Python have *very* beautiful library code.

However best you learn, these are just my suggestions.


Lisa wrote:
> Hi ! I am a total newbie to python, although I had a little programming
> experience in Pascal, Fortran and PL/1.
> I would firstly want to apologize if this is not the place to ask my
> questions, and I would be very grateful if you can point out to me where
> to ask, if this is not the place to ask. Thanks in advance.
> Here are my question:
> Since I am a total newbie in python, where should I start?
> I am thinking of starting on DOS level, without any cumbersome
> layers on windows. Do you recommend that?
> If so, where can I get python that runs on DOS?
> And what else do I need? What is TCK or whatever it is I saw on
> www.python.org? I am not sure about those things, I hope if someone here
> can give me a pointer or two.
> Books, which are the books for newbies that you recommend? There are so
> many books out there I do not know which ones are good.
> Are there any online tutorials that I can use, while I am selecting
> which book to buy?
> There are many more questions I think I should ask, unfortunately I do
> not know what else to ask. If you know what other questions I should
> ask, I would appreciate if you can help me ask the right questions.
> <smile>
> Thank you all.
> Please cc: me a copy of your reply so I can be sure to get your advice.
> Lisa
> lisse at saintmail.net
> Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
> Before you buy.

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