Cool things about Ruby on the way out of Python?

Yukihiro Matsumoto matz at
Mon Feb 21 23:08:13 EST 2000


John Farrell <jfarrell at> writes:

|IMHO, if we could get around the syntax problems, map/each and lambda
|could be used to write beautiful programs. I think the reason that
|lambda doesn't really work in Python is because it can only return
|values, and hence doesn't do what you might want it to all the time.
|Map also doesn't work because it is such a fundamental concept that it
|needs to be syntax (hence list comprehensions), and once you make it
|into a function it's harder to see what it does.

Some points in Python which I don't like are too essential to remove
from the language (e.g. block by indentation), but I think the
following can be solved in the future version (P3K maybe?).

  * type, class distinction
  * statemant, expression distinction
  * restricted iteration by `for', using index and `__getitem__'

|Ruby looks cute. If I was a Perl user I might be tempted to go to it.
|In the mean time, I will stick with Python, and pine for the long days
|by the fjords spent writing Miranda.

You don't have to throw away Python at all.  But just visit and play
with us sometime. :-)


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