Fully Bracketed Syntax

Michal Wallace sabren at manifestation.com
Fri Feb 11 14:01:46 EST 2000

Gerrit said:
>Let me add two characters, and it's totally valid.
>if ( foo > bar ):
>   do_something();
>   do_something_else();
>   done();

hmm.... I think I may have an answer once and for all...

#### file: wba.py #####
"""wba : a module for  whiney block addicts"""
endif = ""

### your python program ####
from wba import endif

if (5>7):
    # let's hope this never gets printed
    print "five is greater than seven"
elif (5==7):
    # this too:
    print "today, five equals seven.."
    print "yay! five is still less than seven!"

print "that was fun!"



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