Killer Apps???

Neil Hodgson neilh at
Fri Feb 18 07:37:26 EST 2000

> It would be immodest of me to mention, which is likely the
> word in automated detection of tab/space inconsistencies in worlds with a
> countable infinity of tab settings.

   I wish this 'last word' quality of had been made clear
earlier as I have been attempting to better tabnanny. Hubris, I know, but my
problem with tabnanny is that people do not use it often enough allowing the
nanoviruses to consume large amounts of whitespace before being detected.

   To counteract this slackness, I have constructed a tabnanny-like agent
called TabTimmy that continuously monitors source code and marks bad
indentation. This feature is available in the current beta version of my
SciTE demonstration editor.

   This may even go into PythonWin if I can convince Mark to take it


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