Further help with Object Caching

Brent Fulgham bfulgham at debian.org
Mon Feb 28 23:15:25 EST 2000

I must be missing something obvious.  I seem to be able to throw
objects into strings without a problem, but they don't come out
of the Cache alive :-)

I whittled it further, to the point where it doesn't seem that
the Cache is the issue, but rather the way I am storing objects.

The following pseudo-code snippet shows the problem (taken
from my program with the logging methods removed for clarity)
(Note that the variable 'code' is a valid PyCodeObject*)


// Create a cacheable code object by writing it to a string,
// then converting the string to a char*
PyObject* codeString;
PyObject* test;
PyObject* test2;
char* cacheable;
char* store2;
int length;

codeString = PyMarshal_WriteObjectToString((PyObject*)code);
cacheable = PyString_AsString(codeString);
length = PyObject_Length(codeString);

// Test 1 -- Works
test = PyMarshal_ReadObjectFromString((char*)cacheable, length);
if (test == NULL)
    // Log error message

// Test 2 -- Fails
store2 = (char*)malloc(length * sizeof(char))
strncpy(store2, cacheable, length);

// Use copy to build object
test2 = PyMarshal_ReadObjectFromString((char*)store2, length);
if (test2 == NULL)
    // Throw tantrum


The 'test2' case fails.  The first thing that comes to mind is
that the "length" I am getting from PyObject_Length is wrong.
Perhaps there is header or trailer data that is being
included that should not, or information that is missing.

Can anyone help shed some light on this?



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