DCOracle Memory Leak?

Evan Gibson egibson at connect.com.au
Wed Dec 6 21:14:02 EST 2000

On Wed, Dec 06, 2000 at 10:43:05PM +0000, Brad Howes wrote:
> Has anyone seen a Python process using DCOracle grow and grow with each fetch
> from an Oracle database? I can write a really simple loop that does a fetch but
> does not save the value, and the Python process keeps growing. Are there known
> bugs with Oracle 8i client libraries for Linux?

The main thing we saw, but with Oracle 7.3.4 instead on Solaris, was
DCOracle queries used to take 15 minutes compared to 5 minutes with
Anthony Baxter's  oracledbmodule...
Something changed (we never determined what) and suddenly DCOracle queries
(using DCOracle outside of zope) took a DAY compared 5 minutes with the
The weirdest thing of all, though, was we only had to IMPORT DCOracle in a
script to get a decrease in performance even if there was not a single
reference to it apart from the import statement.

     Evan ~ThunderFoot~ Gibson    ~ nihil mutatem, omni delendum ~
                Walking on water... over pavement;
           Treading on miracles ground into everyday dust.

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