DCOracle Memory Leak?

Doug Hellmann Doug.Hellmann at ZapMedia.com
Sat Dec 16 10:08:37 EST 2000

The only memory leak I've seen associated with DCOracle was using LOBs. 
The handles weren't properly freed because of a decref bug.  This has
been fixed in the latest version though, so if you're running the newest
code that wouldn't be your problem.


Brad Howes wrote:
> Has anyone seen a Python process using DCOracle grow and grow with each fetch
> from an Oracle database? I can write a really simple loop that does a fetch but
> does not save the value, and the Python process keeps growing. Are there known
> bugs with Oracle 8i client libraries for Linux?
> --
>     "Were people this stupid before TV?" -- _White Noise_ by Don DeLillo

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