Problems With socket Under NT & PythonWin 2.0

Mark Hammond MarkH at
Wed Dec 13 18:52:32 EST 2000

Neil Hodgson wrote:

>    While out-of-proc is good for debugging, I like also having the ability
> to run things that change the main PythonWin environment. Makes it really
> flexible and allows exploration with a combination of running stuff in files
> and from the Interactive Window. Then you don't have to build throw-away
> test scripts that starts from zero.

I agree, and have been thinking about this too.  However, there is no 
reason I can see that a single, long-lived external process can't be 
used for the interactive window.

About the only thing you lose is the ability to work directly with 
Pythonwin's GUI environment - eg, creating Windows, dialogs etc directly 
from the prompt.  However, I believe this is a minority situtation.

A single long lived process would make it appear, in most cases, like it 
is really in-process.  (maybe ;-)  It would also provide a simple way to 
"reset the environment" (and oft requested feature in Pythonwin) - you 
just restart the process.  I am reluctant to add this feature to 
Pythonwin as things stand, as the best we can do is _pretend_ to reset 
the environment by wiping a few dictionaries.


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