Writing for the python devcenter

Stephen R. Figgins fig at oreilly.com
Wed Apr 19 11:15:00 EDT 2000

Robert Hicks wrote:
> Do I write an article and then just email it to you?
> Bob

It would be best if you checked in with me first.  I would hate to have
you spend all that effort for something I might reject.  Send me an
outline of what you want to do.  If I like it, we will talk about when
you can deliver it and I will get you contract. 

I haven't got author's guidelines for the network up yet (for some
reason it keeps slipping down my to do list) but you should take a look
at the author's guidelines at WebReview:


The audience isn't exactly the same but the information on writing for
the web is dead on. 

Stephen Figgins
fig at oreilly.com

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