embedded Python server - desperate for help

Randy Heiland heiland at ncsa.uiuc.edu
Tue Sep 14 06:05:14 EDT 1999

Lyn A Headley wrote:

> Well yes, that would be problematic if you want each client to have
> its own namespace.  Are you sure you want clients to run arbitrary
> code on the server side?
> I'd suggest you define a client/server protocol, based on something
> like xml-rpc or corba with fnorb.

Yes, I am sure I want clients to run arbitrary code on the server.

I do appreciate the pointer to xml-rpc.  I was not aware of this
activity.  It looks like something to explore after I'm done exploring
CORBA... but that's a ways off.

In re-reading thru my Lutz book on "Pgming Python", it seems that of the
4 basic embedding strategies, I want to move away from my current
"running simple stmt strings" to a more complex "running strings with
results and namespaces".  Can anyone confirm that this will help solve my
problem?  Sample code anyone?


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