Turing Compliant?

Factory faqtori at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 2 00:30:02 EDT 1999

In article <37CD7CBC.54AD295F at megsinet.net>, davidopp at megsinet.net 
> What the heck does Turing Compliant mean?  I've heard discussion that
> Python is not Turing Compliant.  Is this true and why would this be an
> important consideration for someone who is programming in Python?

  Erm I'm sure I won't be the first person to reply to this, but Turing 
Complete means that a system could be considered a superset of the Turing 
machine. And all programming languages are turing complete, possibly with 
the exception of JCL.. :)

  So in these discussions, it's a bit of coder humour.

  - Factory

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