Running python as a deamon (rfork)

Carey Evans c.evans at
Tue Oct 12 04:06:15 EDT 1999

henk_p at writes:

> I want to run the python interpreter as a deamon process. So when
> I exit the shell it started from it keeps on running in the background.
> I know this is possible under unix by using the nohup command, but
> that is not a very nice solution.

You can write a daemon under Python just the same as in C.  The
attached module is a bit simplistic in places, but it *does* turn
itself into a daemon properly.  It also shows how easy it is to use
SocketServer, which I hadn't tried until a few minutes ago.

If you run this program, it will put itself into the background, and
answer requests on port 2001 with the same answer as the normal
daytime server on port 13.

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	 Carey Evans

	       "This is where your sanity gives in..."

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