websucker.py versus password-protected web tree

John van der Koijk vdkoijk at wirehub.nl
Thu Oct 7 16:48:17 EDT 1999

"PP" == Patrick Phalen <python-list at teleo.net> writes:

    PP> [John van der Koijk, on Wed, 06 Oct 1999]:

    PP> I'm out of luck trying to mirror a certain web-tree which is protected
    PP> by a password-username combination. Don't know how the protocol works
    PP> and when I use a browser I get something like this:

    PP> Have you tried http://user:password@host.domain?

Yes.  It still gives me the cold shoulder:

Error  ('http error', 401, 'Authorization Required')

Thanks anyway! (I've solved the problem by using my bycycle to get it
on CD...)

Kind regards,
John van der Koijk.

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