Finding out the OS distribution name (

Cliff Crawford cjc26 at
Sun Oct 24 23:00:41 EDT 1999

Pada Sat, 23 Oct 1999 10:10:43 +0200, M.-A. Lemburg bilang:
| Note that I did not see the OS name or version anywhere in the
| output (something like Mac OS X Server 1.02). Is Rhapsody the
| code name for MacOS X Server ?

Something like that..Basically Apple's marketing department calls it
OS X Server but the os itself calls itself Rhapsody =)  Sort of like
how when you uname Solaris it says SunOS.

| > Btw, Python compiles right out of the box on OS X Server.  It's one of the
| > few un*x packages that I use that I DIDN'T have to patch.  Thanks, Guido! :)
| Cool. Do all the tests run through fine ? Would be nice to add Mac OS X
| Server to the list of supported platforms for my apps :-)

Yes, the tests I tried work fine.  I haven't tried compiling curses or readline
or any of the other more complicated modules though.  I doubt they'll work
though (I can rarely get stuff to compile, much less run, on OS X).  Also,
building the shared libraries doesn't seem to work too well either; why, I'm
not sure yet..

cliff crawford
-><-                        Shall she hear the lion's roar?

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