print longs

Tim Peters tim_one at
Wed Oct 6 01:24:05 EDT 1999

[Nathan Clegg]
> But making %ld work the way it "should" wouldn't break anything.  It
> would treat ints as %d and longs as str(long)[:-1].  Anyone who
> chopped the string explicitly wouldn't be affected.  Surely this would
> be a simple fix and make everyone happy.

OK by me, although I'm not interested enough to write a patch.

If someone is, push harder:  make %d do this.  It already "chops the L" off
a long, but overflows if the long is "too long" to convert to int.  This is
bad, if for no other reason than that "too long to convert to int" is

you-won't-be-laughing-when-merced-is-in-your-toaster<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

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