Nolan's question of the day: distributed servers?

Phillip Lenhardt philen at
Thu Oct 7 16:13:00 EDT 1999

In article <87btal3td5.fsf at>, Nolan Darilek wrote:
>My current big project is a MUD server in Python. I have some
>interesting ideas, only one of which I'll bore you all with. :) I
>honestly don't know how Python will perform in this area. I'm not
>aiming my code at lower-end processors though, so I'm not terribly
>worried, but in order to alleviate some of this, I'm trying to either
>use an existing object distribution scheme such as CORBA/ILU, or
>*shudder* write my own. :)

As I recall, the MUD FAQ has some good reasons why it is not worth
the trouble to make a MUD distributed.

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