Nolan's question of the day: distributed servers?

Tom Culliton culliton at
Thu Oct 7 19:13:00 EDT 1999

Many many moons ago I was involved with Marcus J. Ranum's U*Mud
experiments which were a step in the direction of a distributed
server.  You could actually "walk" through a doorway and end up on a
different server with all of your "stuff".  The object representation
was designed to be portably serialized for storage or transmission,
and let you set arbitary properties used by actions.  Very cool stuff
but not very practical in the long run, there were far to many
administrative headaches involved even with the very clean and
otherwise minimalist server environment that Marcus had developed.

In article <slrn7vpvmc.k3a.philen at>,
Phillip Lenhardt <philen at> wrote:
>In article <87btal3td5.fsf at>, Nolan Darilek wrote:
>>My current big project is a MUD server in Python. I have some
>>interesting ideas, only one of which I'll bore you all with. :) I
>>honestly don't know how Python will perform in this area. I'm not
>>aiming my code at lower-end processors though, so I'm not terribly
>>worried, but in order to alleviate some of this, I'm trying to either
>>use an existing object distribution scheme such as CORBA/ILU, or
>>*shudder* write my own. :)
>As I recall, the MUD FAQ has some good reasons why it is not worth
>the trouble to make a MUD distributed.

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