Drawing (directed) graphs

Doug Hellmann doughellmann at home.com
Wed Nov 3 07:05:18 EST 1999

You might want to check out daVinci: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~davinci

The purpose of the app is to do very nearly what you wanted -- visualize
digraphs.  It handles optimizing the layout to reduce edge crossings and
minimize the size of the overall graph.  I have feed it hundreds of
nodes representing modules within some utility libraries my company
developed, and it happily laid out the graph for me so I could find ways
to reduce interdependencies in the code.

The last time I used it the easiest way to add/remove nodes was to edit
the data file, but now there is a new API that can be used.  I have a
class to create the graph files from Python code, if you would find that
useful I can send it to you.  I also have some code somewhere that
processed Makefile like input files (easier to construct than a daVinci
input file) and created graph files to be visualized.


"R.M.Everson" wrote:
> Hello,
> Does anyone know of Python code for drawing graphs of the
> graph-theoretic type? Ideally, I'd like to be able to interactively
> add nodes and edges etc and add data to structures associated with the
> nodes and edges.
> Many thanks
> Richard Everson.
> --
> Exeter University     R.M.Everson at ex.ac.uk
> http://www.dcs.ex.ac.uk/academics/reverson

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