Missing DLL's - Help Please

Roger Burnham roger.burnham at gte.net
Tue May 4 09:59:51 EDT 1999

On Tue, 04 May 1999 14:03:21 +0200, "Thomas S. Strinnhed" <thstr at serop.abb.se>

>I'm working on Windows NT, MS Developer Studio and are trying to embed
>the Python interprter in an application.
>When i run the .exe  file I get a message saying:
>"The dynamic link library python15_d.dll could not be found in the
>specified path ...<My PATH environment varible>"
>This is not so strange considering there are no such dll-file at all,
>not in the binary distribution nor the source distribution, just a
>What to do? 
>Can I make a dll from the .lib file? How?
>	- Thomas S. Strinnhed, thstr at serop.abb.se


Sounds like you are building your exe in Debug mode.  Try building the release

When built with Debug enabled on Windows, imported dll's and pyds have the _d
appended to avoid conflicts with loading debug and non-debug dll's.

If you need to debug your exe, you will need to build debug versions of all the
python dll's and pyds you import.

See the readme in  the PCbuild directory in the source distribution:

>>When using the Debug setting, the output files have a _d added to
>>their name: python15_d.dll, python_d.exe, parser_d.pyd, and so on.


Roger Burnham   
Cambridge Research & Instrumentation   
rburnham at cri-inc.com   
PGP Key: http://www.nai.com/default_pgp.asp   
PGP Fingerprint: 5372 729A 9557 5F36 177F  084A 6C64 BE27 0BC4 CF2D   

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