Defining VCL-like framework for Python

Graham Matthews graham at
Tue May 25 11:01:15 EDT 1999

Graham Matthews wrote:
> So I must be missing something. How does defining all these components
> differ from defining implementations of interfaces (the interfaces tell
> you the standard properties).
Alexander Staubo (earlybird at wrote:
: typically designate a set of properties (attributes) as being 
: "published".

This sounds a whole lot like defining an interface for a class. The
interface defines what the class exports, and all else is private.
Alexander Staubo (earlybird at wrote:
: I am puzzled by what you mean when you write,
: > defining implementations of interfaces (the interfaces tell you the 
: > standard properties).
: ...though. Interface as in a Python class decl?

No "interface" as in a Java interface (as opposed to a class), or if
you really want to be high-falutin "interface" as in an existential

        Thanks for the trouble you took from her eyes
              I thought it was there for good
                 So I never really tried

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