Python too slow for real world

Nathan Clegg nathan at
Mon May 3 17:22:52 EDT 1999

Then I hope there will be some new facility for circumventing the
MatchObject creation when it is not necessary.  It really is a shame for
an unwanted feature to slow down code.  I think the MatchObject is
implemented quite well, but sometimes I don't need it--why pay for it?

On 03-May-99 Andrew M. Kuchling wrote:
> Nathan Clegg writes:
>>>     def fixup(v, m=p.code.match, r=range(1,len(patterns)+1)):
>>That is *perfect*.  Why isn't the 'code' attribute documented??
>       Because it's an internal thing that may go away in the future; 
> it should really be _code.  For example, when is translated to
> C, there will be little reason to expose a public code attribute.

Nathan Clegg
 nathan at

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