AXScript not working

Mark Hammond MHammond at
Thu May 6 19:17:11 EDT 1999

Steve Hunter wrote in message <7gsugs$8vi$1 at>...

>the engine and lets me script. On the same machine, when I try to get IE5
>a script (the demo scripts provided in 1.5.2), it chokes on <SCRIPT

If you dont have build 125 of the extensions, then it is probably fixed.

If you do, then it is likely an IE5 problem - I dont have that installed
yet, so it has only been tested against IE4.

When you say "choke" what do you mean?  You could try this:
* Change to "win32comext\axscript\client"
* Execute " --debug" (note 2x'-')
* Restart the machine (or do whatever to ensure the engine isnt currently
* Start Pythonwin, and select "Trace Collector Debugging Tool" from the
tools menu
* Try and load the engine.  If everything is registered correctly, you may
see output, followed by a traceback.  This may be the problem - eg, IE5 is
_trying_ to load Python, but Python is raising an error, making IE5 "choke".


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